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holy places. In
convents, the flowers of the
Church will decompose and the devil will make himself like the King of all
hearts. May those in
charge of religious communities be on their guard against the people they must
receive, for the
devil will resort to all his evil tricks to introduce sinners into religious
orders, for
disorder and the love of carnal pleasures will be spread all over the earth.
France, Italy, Spain
and England will be at
war. Blood will flow in the streets. Frenchman
will fight Frenchman, Italian will fight Italian. A general war will follow
which will be
appalling. For a time, God will cease to remember France and Italy because the
Gospel of Jesus
Christ has been forgotten. The wicked will make use of all
their evil ways. Men will kill each other, massacre each other even in their
At the first blow of
His thundering sword,
the mountains and all Nature will tremble in terror,
for the disorders and crimes of men have
pierced the vault of the heavens. Paris will burn and Marseille will be
engulfed. Several cities
be shaken down and swallowed up by earthquakes.
People will believe that all is lost.
Nothing will be seen but murder, nothing will be heard but the clash of arms and
The righteous will
suffer greatly. Their prayers, their penances and their tears will rise up to
Heaven and all of God's people will beg for forgiveness and mercy and will
plead for my help and
intercession. And then Jesus Christ, in