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to God, who alone can satisfy them. In their affliction they will rise early to Me.  Osee 6;1.
God says within himself, If I allow those sinners to enjoy their pleasures undisturbed, they will
remain in the sleep of sin: they must be afflicted, in order that; recovering from their lethargy
 they may return to me. When they shall be in tribulation they will say: Come, let us return to
the Lord, for He hath taken us, and He will heal us; He will strike and He will cure us.
shall become of us, say those sinners, as they enter into themselves, if we do not turn from our
evil courses? God will not be appeased, and will with justice continue to punish us; come on, let
us retrace our steps; for he will cure us, and if he has afflicted us just now, he will upon our
return think of consoling us with his mercy.

In the day of my trouble I sought God, and I was not deceived, Ps. 76:3, because he raised
me up. For this reason does the prophet thank the Lord that he hath humbled him after his sin;
because he was thus taught to observe the divine laws: "It is good for me that Thou hast humbled
me, that I may learn Thy justifications. Ps. 118:71.
Tribulation is for the sinner at once a
punishment and a grace, says St. Augustine. In Ps. 38. It is a punishment inasmuch as it has been
drawn down upon him by his sins; but it is a grace, and an important grace, inasmuch as it may ward
eternal destruction from him, and is an assurance that God means to deal mercifully with him if he
look into himself, and receive with thankfulness that tribulation which has opened his eyes to his
miserable condition, and invites him to return to God. Let us then be converted, my brethren,
and we shall escape from our several chastisements: "Why should he who accepts chastisement
as a grace be afraid after receiving it?" says St. Augustine. He who turns to God, smarting from
the scourge, has no longer anything to

fear, because God scourges only in order that
we may return to him; and this end  once obtained, the Lord will scourge us no more.

St. Bernard says that it is impossible to pass from the pleasures of the earth to those of
Paradise: "If is difficult, even impossible, for any one to enjoy present and future goods, to
pass from delights to delights. "Therefore does the Lord say, Envy not the man who prospereth in
his way the man who doth unjust things. Ps. 36:7.
"Does he prosper?" says St. Augustine;
"ay, but in his own way.' And do you suffer? You do, but it is in the way of God." You who walk
before God are in tribulation, but he, evil as is his way, prospers. Mark now what the
saint says in conclusion: "He has prosperity in this life, he shall be miserable in the next;
you have tribulation in this life, you shall be happy in the next."  In Ps. 36. Be glad,
therefore, O
sinners! and thank God when he punishes you
in this life, and takes vengeance of your sins; because you may know thereby that he means to
treat you with mercy in the next. Thou wast a merciful God to them, and taking vengeance on
their inventions.  Ps. 98:8.
The Lord when he chastises us has not chastisement so much in
view as our conversion. God said to Nabuchodonozor: Thou shalt eat grass like an ox, and
seven times shall pass over thee, till thou know that the Most High ruleth in the kingdom of men.
 Dan. 4:29.
For seven years, Nabuchodonozor, shalt thou be compelled to feed upon grass like a
beast in order that thou mayest know I am the Lord; that it is I who give kingdoms, and take them
away; and that thou mayest thus be cured of thy pride. And in fact this judgment did cause the
haughty king to enter into himself and change; so that, after having been restored to his former
condition, he said: Therefore I, Nabuchodonozor, do now praise and magnify the King of heaven.
Dan. 4:34.

And God gave him back his kingdom. "He

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