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Second Method

                                                                            A SHORTER WAY                                                                            

                               OF COMMEMORATING THE LIFE, DEATH AND GLORY OF JESUS AND MARY IN THE                                   
                                MOST HOLY ROSARY, AND A WAY TO CURB OUR IMAGINATION AND TO LESSEN DISTRACTIONS                           

                                IN ORDER to do this we must add a word or two to each Hail Mary (depending upon the decade) and                            
                                 this will help remind us which mystery we are commemorating. This word or words should be added                            
                                             after the word "Jesus." "And blessed is the fruit of Thy Womb":                                       

At the 1st     Decade       "Jesus incarnate";
                              At the 2nd     Decade       "Jesus sanctifying";                             
                              At the 3rd     Decade       "Jesus born in poverty";                        
 At the 4th     Decade       "Jesus sacrificed";
           At the 5th     Decade       "Jesus, Saint among saints";
                                 At the 6th     Decade       "Jesus in His agony'';                             
                       At the 7th     Decade       "Jesus scourged";                        
                         At the 8th     Decade       "Jesus crowned with thorns";               
                                   At the 9th     Decade       "Jesus carrying His Cross";                           
                               At the 10th    Decade       "Jesus crucified";                                 
                                  At the 11th    Decade       "Jesus risen from the dead";                        
          At the 12th    Decade       "Jesus ascending to heaven";
                      At the 13th    Decade       "Jesus filling thee with the Holy Spirit";
                                  At the 14th    Decade       "Jesus raising Thee up";                             
     At the 15th     Decade       "Jesus crowning Thee." 

At the end of the first five mysteries, we say:
"Grace of the Joyful Mysteries come down into our souls and make them really holy";

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