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Dear Reader,
Having finished reading
THE SECRET OF THE ROSARY, you are called Upon by Our Lady to act and to
apply these life saving instructions in your daily life. The world is in grave
peril from
Communism, and the Church is equally in peril from the enemy within, who seeks
to disarm her by
suggesting that we should abandon the Holy Rosary. Pope Paul VI warned us of
this when he said,
"The smoke of Satan has entered the Church."
Have any of the Free World's great powers in this century been able to stem the
advance of
Communism the direst foe of God in all history? But where man has failed,
history records that the
Rosary alone has succeeded. Austria, Brazil, Chile and Portugal all saved
themselves from the peril
of Communism by the recitation of the Rosary. (Read Fatima the Great Sign for
proof.) St. Louis De
Montfort tells us (p. 97) that the Rosary was largely responsible for the
crucial victory of
Lepanto in October, 1571. Four centuries later, at the outset of Communism in
1917, Our Lady told
us at Fatima: "If people attend to my requests, Russia will be converted and the
world will have
peace. If not, Russia will spread its errors throughout the world, fomenting
wars ...and various nations will be annihilated."
Can anyone deny that these calamitous events are coming
to pass in our times? The threat of worse suffering to come can still be
averted, and another
signal victory like that
at Lepanto over the Turks can be today, if enough people
will respond here and now to Our Lady's requests to do
penance in reparation for sin (the cause of all wars) and
especially to "pray the Rosary every day.." For all the vast
paraphernalia of power politics are but a shadow compared with the infinite
power of the Rosary
before God, provided it is fervently used and propagated.
Please do everything possible to help make this vital book more widely known by
purchasing extra
copies to pass out to your friends, relatives and acquaintances. The issue is
the salvation of
souls and peace in the world.