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Thirtieth Rose

10. Our Sovereign Pontiffs have shown their generosity towards members of the Rosary
Confraternity by allowing them to gain the indulgences attached to the Stations of Rome by visiting
five altars in the Church where the Rosary Confraternity is established, and by saying the Our
Father and Hail Mary five times before each altar, for the happy estate of the Church. If there
are only one or two altars. in the Confraternity Church they should recite the Our Father and Hail
Mary twenty-five times before one of them.

This is a wonderful favor granted to Confraternity members for in the Stational Churches in Rome
plenary indulgences can be gained, souls can be delivered from Purgatory and many other great
indulgences too can be gained by members with very little effort and no expense and without leaving
their own country. And even if the Confraternity is not established in the place where the members
live they can gain the very same indulgences by visiting five altars in any Church. This conces­
sion was granted by Leo X.
The Sacred Congregation of Indulgences drew up a list of certain definite days upon which those
outside the. city of Rome could gain the Indulgences of the Stations of Rome. The Holy Father
approved this list on March 7th, 1678, and commanded that it be strictly observed. These
indulgences can be gained on the following days:
All the Sundays of Advent; each of the three Ember Days; also Christmas Eve, at Midnight Mass, the
Daybreak Mass and at the Third Mass; the feast of Saint Stephen; that of Saint John the
Evangelist; the feast of the Holy Innocents; the Circumsion and the Epiphany; the Sundays of
Septuagesima, Sexagesima, Quinquagesima and on every single day from Ash Wednesday to Low Sunday
inclusively; each of the three Rogation Days; Ascension Day; the Vigil of Pentecost; every day
during the octave; and on each of the three September Ember Days.
Dear Confraternity members, there are numerous other indulgences which you can gain. If you want to
know about them look up the complete list of indulgences which have been granted to members of the
Rosary Confraternity. You will see the names of the Popes in question, the years in which -they
granted the indulgences and many other particulars which I
have not been able to include in this little summary.

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