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The Third Sorrowful Mystery The Crowning with Thorns
Jesus' Crowning with Thorns.
And after they [had]
scourged Him, the soldiers of the governor taking Jesus, led Him away
into the court of the
palace. And they called together unto Him the whole band. And
stripping Him, they put a purple cloak about Him. And platting a crown of
thorns, they put it upon
His head, and a reed in His right hand.
And they came to Him,
bowing their knees before Him, and mocked Him. And they began to salute Him,
saying: "Hail, king of the Jews!" And they did spit on Him, and they gave Him
blows. And they took
the reed and struck His head.
Pilate therefore went
forth again, and saith to them: "Behold, I bring Him forth unto you, that you
may know that I find no cause in Him:' (Jesus therefore came forth, bearing the
crown of thorns and
the purple garment.) And he saith to them: "Behold the Man!"
When the chief priests,
therefore, and the servants, had seen Him, they cried out, saying: "Crucify
Him! Crucify Him!" Pilate saith to them: "Take Him you, and crucify Him, for I
find no cause in
Him!" The Jews answered him: "We have a Law; and according to the Law He ought
to die, because He
made Himself the Son of God!"
When Pilate therefore
had heard this saying, he feared the more. And he entered into the hall
again, and he said to Jesus: "Whence art Thou?" But Jesus gave him no answer.
Pilate therefore
saith to Him: "Speakest Thou not to me? Knowest Thou not that I have power to
crucify Thee, and I
have power to release Thee?" Jesus answered: "Thou shouldst not have any power
against Me, unless
it were given thee from above. Therefore he that hath delivered Me to thee, hath
the greater sin."
And from henceforth Pilate sought to release Him. But the